2 Dakika Kural için C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

2 Dakika Kural için C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

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This isn't without cost, birli it means you need either a new connection to do another DB request in parallel or a Merih connection. Too much for a comment really

So when you have to simply iterate through the in-memory collection, use IEnumerable, if you need to do any manipulation with the collection like Dataset and other data sources, use IQueryable

Umumi sıfır bir koleksiyon üzerinde kıytırık bir yinelemeyi destekleyen bir numaralandırıcıyı kullanıma sunar.

It's effectively usage birli documentation of intent; I find that those explicit documentations of intent tend to provide exactly that decoupling you point out.

To get them I use VisualTreeHelper class. But I have to consider that there might be A LOT OF children so copying to some array or Collection will by expensive. – drasto 5 mins ago

IEnumerable ve IEnumerator interfaceler’i ile sizlerde oluşturduğunuz sınıflara itere özellikleri kazanmıştırrabilir, ayrıca IEnumerator interface’i ile oluşturduğunuz enumerator’de isteğinize göre iterasyonun periyodunu ayarlayabilir ve foreach döngüsünde kullanabilirsiniz.

Derece: Generic olmayan sınıflar muhtevain IEnumerable kullanmaında boxing/unboxing nöbetlemleri verimliliği düşüreceği yürekin yeni oluşturacağınız projelerinizde generic sınıflar yürekin olan IEnumerable

To begin examining the process of implementing existing .Kemiksiz interfaces, let’s first look at the role of

but this violates the IEnumerable semantics and the time C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor came when I got wrong results. so switched to orderly creating a fresh iterator instance (see my answer)

Marc GravellMarc Gravell 1.0m271271 gold badges2.6k2.6k silver badges2.9k2.9k bronze badges 1 1 The mistake with "Reset" was with just having one type of enumerable. IMHO, C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri there should have been an IMultipassEnumerable, inheriting IEnumerable, which would support Reset and guarantee that multiple passes will either return identical data or throw an C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor exception; an ordinary IEnumerable whose collection was modified should be allowed to return 'sensible' data if it's able to do so or throw an exception if C# IEnumerable Nedir it kişi't, and an ISafeEnumerable, which would be expected to work sensibly (without throwing an exception) even if a collection changes. A bit late now to change things, though.

IEnumerable ve IQueryable aradındaki nüansı anlatmadan önce kısaca bu iki interface dershaneını tanıyalım.

There's C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır also the issues of deferred execution and unmanaged resources. IEnumerable takes use of the yield syntax, which mean you go over each item by-itself and gönül perform all kinds of computations before and after. And again, this happens one-by-one, so you don't have to hold all the collection when you start. The computations won't actually be performed until the enumeration begins (i.e. until you run the foreach loop).

If the collection supports indexers, you could also iterate over it with the classic for loop method but the Iterator pattern provides some nice extras like the ability to add synchronization for threading.

Buraya derece ele almış olduğumız bütün binalanma kendi sınıflarımıza iterasyonel bir özellik vermek bâtınin kullandığımız materyallerdir.

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